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These are some web resources you might be interested in.
HearthNet is the main web site for hearth industry information. You'll find lots of good advice and information about products.
The Alliance for Green Heat is an independent agency based near Washington, DC that advocates for clean wood heating and effective regulation in this field.
Wood Energy Technology Transfer Inc. is the organization that trains and certifies Canadian wood burning professionals. If you are looking for qualified services, visit the site and find a qualified professional near you.
The National Fireplace Institute is the organization that trains and certifies installation and service professionals in the United States. You can find qualified professionals here.
The Masonry Heater Association: Visit our friends at MHA and learn about masonry heaters. Even if their product is not for you, they have a good web site and good attitude. Extensive links section. is one of the main sites making up the extensive presence of chimney sweeps on the net. Check out Burning Secrets, a good source of technical information.
The Chimney Safety Institute of America is another site supported by chimney sweeps. This is the Internet presence of their non-profit training and education agency. Lots of good safety information.
Burning Issues is a site devoted to wiping woodburning off the face of the earth. If you think we at are misguided Neanderthals on a mission to threaten the health of little children, you'll find support at Burning Issues. All others, hold your nose and check it out anyway.